Friday, April 21, 2006

11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon; 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.

[Everyone is flipping out because we have a new person to replace Librarian N who left us in February; today is his first day working!]

What I'm doing between questions: working on the On-Order stuff


* Consumer Reports, May '05
* Lawn mower repair [we have nothing!]
* Baseball books with lots of pictures, that aren't heavy
* Clock repair (lawn mower guy)
* Can we make flyers available for local lecture program? [I put them out on the Ref Desk for her]
* How to LCD/Plasma TVs work (lawn mower guy) [I find something on the 'net and he's amazed at how fast it prints and how clear the COLOR pictures are]
* Aviation (lawn mower guy) [I think I have a groupie!]
* Spazzy conversation with IT and new guy]


[I need new shoes! These are boring...]
* Paper for printer
[Khakis with cargo pockets + light gray T-shirt = bad fashion sense]
* Movie tie-in pathfinder I did yesterday draws raves from Grant Guy
* Real estate exam [I send him off with test-sheet in hand]
* Local yellow pages
* Forgot library card, can I look up number [sure, why not, she's nice]
[More spazzy conversation with IT]
* How to reformat copied pages in WordPad [IT figures shows us a shortcut]
* Extend time on SAM
* Real estate guy returns with finished test and gets second one
[Mr. Ick appears. He used to only be here in the mornings, but he's recently begun returning for the afternoon...the whole afternoon]
* Printers aren't working right on the jobs PCs [IT doesn't believe me, but we show him; he's baffled]


* Look up SAM user number for guest
* Pay for print jobs
* Ireland [and he chats, and he chats, and he chats...]
* Welding
* How the kids' section is arranged, for a lit student [i.e., what does J mean, what age group?]
* Another real estate test-taker
* Books on Mary Shelley
[I take all the real estate test to the mailbox]
* Julie Stav books or CDs [we have one book]
* Pay for print jobs
* Same patron asks for Dinero magazine; we decide it's probably Tu Dinero that she means [we don't subscribe to either one]
[Kit tech comes to me with problems in processing; I need to ask the other cataloger to SLOW DOWN and do them right!]
* Pay for print jobs

Thursday, April 20, 2006

1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

What I'm doing between questions: Dewey updates.

[lots of hoohaw about changes in the way we do serials control (i.e. magazines)--it's review time and people get new projects and some don't handle NEW as well as others...]

* Updated card, needs updating on SAM
* Frozen PC, which also isn't printing
* Another printer not working [I print for him here--and leave a note for our techies]
* Temp Internet user registration
* Printing issues [resolved]
* More time on computer
* Circle weaving (a real reference question!!)
* Internet registration