Tuesday, March 27, 2018


What I'm doing between questions: endless lists of dead people, dead subject headings, dead links...it's all death today (including three emails regarding wills and Power of Attorney and closing bank accounts I've sent this morning).

Two people on vacation this week and I'd picked up 3 hours on-desk. Now the Children's Librarian is sick with strep/tonsillitis, so I'm up to 4. And my bloody eye won't stop twitching!!

9:00 a.m. [in the children's room]
  • Mom & son arrive; son is probably 6ish and being a total butt to his super-patient mom who finally gets him online, then wanders out of the room...wth...holy shit, this kid needs a lengthy time-out (but they're gone now)
  • It's nearly 10 and I've seen two or three other women walk through to collect things for kids and two three staff members doing random work-related stuff (fillings holds, feeding fish, checking for roof leaks)
10:00 a.m. [in the children's room]
  • Volunteers arrive. Librarian C is trying to find things for them to do since Librarian MR isn't here to make a list for them.
  • There are a couple of people ensconced for 15 minutes now in the AV section...both adults. Not sure what's going on there.
  • Librarian M, who is covering for Librarian MR, is searching for the nametags she sorted out for today's 10:30 baby program; aha, they were on her desk (where all things end up)
2:00 p.m.  [in the children's room]
  • I'm dying in here. There've been people wandering in and out, including our Fish Tank Person, but no one stopping to chat. I can barely keep my eyes open...
5:00 p.m.  [in the children's room]
  • No clue. Somehow I didn't fall asleep permamently

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