omg, what a day and we haven't even opened! I'm at the desk 5 of the 7 hours we're open today. Pretty sure I'll be ready to murder someone by closing time.
- "Is that computer still broken like yesterday?" [apparently so]
- Guest pass for internet
- "This computer isn't working either" [different patron--I reboot both of them and, voilà, functionality]
- [Print off a few extra guest passes]
- [It's 10:10 and 7 of 14 adult internet stations are in use]
- [email] Put Streisand's new CD on order for patron and responded to email
- Question from shelver about where Spanish music CDs are shelved [nothing in this building makes sense anymore--they are with music, but audiobooks are with the Spanish books]
- JO stops by for his daily post-internet chat, until...
- ...someone else needs to fax (and also needs correct change)
- I spend a few minutes looking for an animal ("asian cinnamon bear") JO wants a picture of
- Also Yellowstone Season 3 for him
- First round of wiping down public PCs done
- [phone] Scott Turow's Ordinary Heroes [ours is the only copy of the 59 in the system that is currently chccked out--hold is placed]
- [phone] Sandy Jones' Guilt Trip [we haven't ordered it, so I do a request for purchase]
- "Can we just ... use ... one of the little rooms?" [yup, go right in]
- Librarian KT says she's going to lunch now instead of at 12 [fine, long as desks are covered, I don't give any shits]
- JO: it's a red panda...and then we move on to sports, WWII era flight stuff, and then he goes off on a political tangent as some other folks show up [shoo, not that I disagree with him]
- Books on scoring bridge
- The 'little rooms' people are headed out, and literally the only people back here with me are the bridge couple--no, wait, there's someone on a laptop in the study area
- [phone] Is the library open today? [...till 5]
- Guest pass for internet
- [phone] Renew DVD due today {how many ways are there to spell Kauf[f]man[n]...?}
- [yknow how there are just some people that give you the willies? have had a guy wandering the stacks who finally left...shudder]
- Round two of wipedowns done
- Printer issues
- Toner in copier is completely out [mild panic--do we have another tube of it?? yes, yes we do]
- Librarian M is here to cover lunch hour in the kids' room
- Adult summer reading [no flyers to be seen, so I tell her to register online from our webpage]
- It's so quiet in here I can hear the music the guy 30 yards away from me is listening to through his headphones--it's either country or the Little River Band
- [Just double-checked the schedule: there's no one at Reference this next hour; stupid scheduler! That would be me, today. Librarian M will stay and cover it]
- Guest pass for internet use
- [Librarian M has to leave around 1:45, so we'll scramble]
- Guest pass for internet use [dude is wearing a full suit, including a tie pin, and is probably 30--not the norm hereabouts, esp on Saturday]
- [Horrors: we're almost out of fish food!]
- Non-suit guest-pass guy thanks me profusely as he leaves
- Suit guest-pass guy brings me the sign we use to mark stations cleaned on his way out. Thanks, I guess?
- Frozen PC, I restart, we check to see if her document got deleted (it did) and she's good to go
- Round 3 of wipedowns done
- [Dude is printing off ... a lot, a good 2+ minutes worth of churning at the printer. I hope we have more paper]
- Regular LW comes in complaining about the humidity and smoke particulate (from fires--it's all over the country by now, basically), but "it does feel good in here"
- LW continues the story she started telling me before I left for lunch, which kills the whole 15 minutes...although I recall another patron needing something but I forgot to write it down
- Custodian B lets me know that he brought up another box of printer paper, so that's sorted
- Librarian KT is helping a sweet girl find books about study abroad. She's going on her own, and she's nervous, but brava to her for doing this!
- "Where is Librarian AB; I haven't seen her for awhile." [{I need to update the staff list!}...and I do the tl/dr why she's been gone this month]
- Wipedown and double-check who's actually here
- Guest pass for internet
- [phone] Curbside pickup [transfer to Circ]
- [phone] Printout of lyrics for an Andrea Bocelli CD [it's one of our old regs, so I tell her to just stop in with the title of the CD and we'll look up the songs and print them for her]
- Check-in with circ folk. All is well so far
- Prize redemption for adult summer reading
- Part-time cataloger R comes to let me know how the little project I gave her today has worked out
- There are six unpaid people here with me: four on library computers, the one still on her laptop in the study area and (I think I see) one in the reading room--let's keep that steady-and-falling for the next 45ish minutes
- [I may never get out of WW2 in this stupid PLCC]
- Shit, one of my least-favorite regulars just arrived.....
- [phone] Grammar books [though it starts out with "the book I reserved was sent back; can I still pick it up?" no]
- Not-favorite-guy catches me in the middle of finding grammar books to ask why he only got 48 minutes for the computer [because they will all turn off in 48 minutes so we can leave]; he thought it was Friday. But we close at 5 on Friday too....
- Help with photocopier on my way to circ with the grammar books
- Guest pass for internet [I'm not even sure if she was online for 2 full minutes! wow]
- Print off tally sheets for August for Librarian AB to save her from running around crazed when she comes back, at least on that front
- Refill printer--just made 100+ copies, so 🤪
- Today's papers are put away, and I've done the first round in the stacks checking for stray patrons
- I warn the one guy who seems fully immobile that we're closing
- One person left in the reading room
- I'm going to live dangerously--since we're closed tomorrow--and NOT wipe down computers. Shh, don't tell!!
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