1:00 PM
- Mouthy Fish Girl runs (yes, runs!) in to be sure she gets the first computer of the day [grrrrrrr]
- [phone] CD rates for our county/area [strikeout--nothing]
- Headphones
- Local papers [dude is SCAR-RY!]
- 7th grader with 3-year-expired card needs to use computers [writing paper, yes; Internet, no]
- Vespa repair [found stuff online]
- Local news article from a few months ago
- SAM registration
- Headphones
- [staff member] Why is our staff homepage requiring a password, and why can't we access the catalog on the children's catalog computers? [uh...? dunno...?]
- "I NEED MORE TIME for a friend who's got cancer....blah blah" [I can't, sorry--and apparently the computer gave her more time anyway so the freakout thing: not necessary]
- Headphones
- Pay for print jobs, and I found someone's card
- Headphones returned
- Local news article found, now how do I print?
- I ask a group of high school kids of any of them are [name on found card] -- yep
- [phone] Time line for Frank W. Abagnale [uh--no dates in anything I find on him]; yes we have the book he wrote, though
- [circ staff] What is this weird error message? [no clue, but another circ person figures it out--yay!--and I volunteer to put her in charge and go home]
- [I get a text message on my cell from ... someone who thinks my name is Grace]
- Can I renew my card here? [nope]
- Today's local classified ads
- SCAR-RY guy spends 20 minutes discussing U.S. Congressional districts, water pollution and...oh, that's all...with me [oy]
- He's still here, reading the reproducible tax form books [oyoyoyoyoy!]
- SAM registration
- How can I hear stuff on the computer? [headphones]
- Do I need a password for the wireless network [no]
- Weird, totally creepy, forwarded 'joke' email freaks out a very nice girl (no, a purple clown with a green penis isn't going to kill you with an axe tonight and put a condom on your head...) [I told her to reply to the friend" who sent it to her and say 'stop sending this crap to me!'--and she said librarians aren't supposed to talk like that!]
- Headphones returned
- Genealogy request: 3 obits [I take down info and put in file for volunteers to work on]
- Headphones returned
- How to spell 'scary' [freaked-out girl]
- Are we having trouble with the wireless net? [...not that I know about...]
- Time to start the closing ops
- Guns, Germs & Steel [on shelving cart]
- Several Katie Kazoo books [I will reserve all of them]
- Travel to Japan
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