Wednesday, February 07, 2018


What I'm doing between questions: checking our catalog against Booklist's Editors' Choice list to see what we need to buy.

  • It is quiet tonight, unexpectedly. I can see 6 people--no, 7--only one of whom is likely to be homeless (it's sleep-in-our-town-tonight night, so we often have people here who are turned away because of alcohol or drug use)
  • Circ person brings me three books to order for her
  • People sign in for study room use
  • I place holds on things that were left behind earlier and then go eat cake and talk at the circ desk. It's really really dead, except for the Board Meeting going on upstairs

  • Chat with one of our regulars about how I "never" get sick despite all the germy people [I've been doing this job for almost 30 years: I've pretty much had ALL the regular stuff and my immune system is on high alert]
  • Check the cameras: meeting in public room, meeting in staff room, two study rooms in use, one person on her laptop, and the above regular....yawn!!
  • Study room sign out
  • Directions to the Children's Books area
  • ...time for a pre-closing walk-through
  • And everyone's gone, so I finish the last of the closing chores and head out.

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